Welcome to Indigenous Futures in Engineering, Queen's University
Welcome to Indigenous Futures in Engineering, Queen's University
Environmental engineers develop solutions to problems affecting humans and nature. They work to prevent pollution of the environment and to clean up contaminated soil, water and air.
Being an environmental engineer means that you have to work very hard to find ways to keep our lakes clean, our forests green, and our air pure.
Environmental engineers:
In order for our culture to survive we must have a good relationship with Mother Earth. A culture that does not take care of the Earth is not looking out for its future.
Aboriginal environmental engineers would be good people to look over their environment because they have a close relationship to their land.
Aboriginal peoples all over the world share the belief that the Earth is our mother; that we are a part of the Earth and the Earth is a part of us. This belief has lead to a deep and respectful relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the planet. We already have a long history with environmental science, therefore we are important people to have around to help keep our Earth in the years to come.
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