Welcome to Indigenous Futures in Engineering, Queen's University

Engineering Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry

Chemistry plays a role in just about everything.

Engineering chemists use their knowledge of chemistry to solve engineering problems. They work with problems relating to the environment, oil and gas, and materials development.


Engineering chemists:

  • Design new rubber that can survive the cold weather
  • Create new medicines
  • Research ways to keep lipstick on lips longer.

In your community

Aboriginal peoples have a long history of using chemicals to support their way of life. For example, Aboriginal peoples use chemical processes to tan hides, dye materials, as well as keep food fresh. 

As a person in the field of engineering and chemistry you could look at how traditional ways might be used to make new businesses for your community. You might also work within a local plant to make sure its work does not harm the environment.

Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada

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